One of our private providers has supported 2nd- and 3rd-year student placements in which the student worked across both NHS and private health care services.

Caragh (3rd Year) and Rachel (2nd year) each worked part-time in the local continence service and part-time in the private health clinic. Their placements required them to undertake assessment, intervention and review of the evidence base to inform best practice. Caragh utilised learning and experience from the continence service to educate staff in the private clinic on chronic pelvic pain and incontinence.

Rachel carried out similar activities, and presented to her peers and the staff team on the pelvic floor and the physiotherapist’s role in treatment of pelvic floor problems. She also produced engaging information for use in the private clinic setting

During the placements, the private clinic was able to provide access to a designer to give the students feedback on the materials she had produced. The designer said: The feedback I have given is very “critical” in that I have pointed out all things I would discuss with a fellow designer. As far as submissions from non-design students go, these have all been impressive, and among the best of what we have seen so far.
There was a reciprocal benefit when she used her learning and knowledge from the MSK service to assess and manage complex patients with biopsychosocial factors affecting their presentation. She then linked both placements via telehealth to deliver virtual Pilates classes to service users.